My Favorite Evo 2014 Moments

Another Evolution Championship Series is in the books, and, as is the case every year, I’m reminded just how special the fighting game scene is. Like prior Evos, this year’s event was full of comebacks, surprises and emerging stars, and I’ve never had more fun watching fighting game competitors from all around the globe duke it out in games like Street Fighter, Injustice, Marvel, Smash and Blazblue. I think it’s safe to call Evo 2014 the most emotional Evo ever, from the literal tears of joy cried by new champions to players’ adrenaline-fueled romps across the stage after securing a big win. I can’t seem to stop thinking about Evo 2014,  so I’ll just tell you why I loved it so much.

 The Face of Mortal Kombat Games is 16 Years Old

Over the past two years, I’ve watched the steady rise of Sonic Fox, a young competitor from Delaware. First, he was the young kid who slaughtered at Mortal Kombat. Then, he became a strong competitor in Dead or Alive 5 and later Injustice: Gods Among Us. Now, at 16 years old, he’s the world champion in all three games after trouncing all comers at Evo 2014. It’s exciting to see someone so young be so dominant in a range of fighting games, and it reinforces the fact that, in this community, anyone can be a champion.

Real Men Do Cry

Ask anyone what stood out about Evo 2014, and they might say “tears.” It’s not necessarily something new– Filipino Champ was choked up after dominating UMvC3 in 2012– but this year’s champions seemed completely unrestrained in letting their emotions flow.

The first explosion of emotion came at the very beginning of finals day, when BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma competitors Garireo and Dogura duked it out in grand finals. Garireo, fighting from the losers bracket, should have been eliminated more times that I can remember, yet he managed to make just the right guesses at the right times and kept himself alive. He burst into tears after climbing a ladder of what felt like 100 matches and landing the winning blow, as anyone probably would if they overcame such overwhelming odds to become world champion.

I don’t play BlazBlue, and decided to watch the game’s finals on a whim. I’m sure glad I did.

Similarly memorable was CD Jr’s 1st place victory in the Evo debut of Killer Instinct on Xbox One. Like Garireo, CD Jr had that moment of making it, when all of your hard work amounts to the goal you’ve been fighting for all along. What makes CD Jr’s victory extra special, in my eyes, is his genuine love for the game he plays. I remember the competitor having a childlike enthusiasm when the game first hit, and to be able to call himself the world champ in it just brings everything full circle.

The Greatest of All Time

Ever since Marvel vs. Capcom 3 hit the tournament scene in 2011, my favorite Evo moment always consisted of Justin Wong doing some absolutely insane shit with his Akuma. And while the fighting game veteran’s clutch comebacks and crazy combos always impressed, he never managed to take the tournament, like he did so many times in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. This year, it all changed.

But before we talk about grand finals, let’s get back to that clutch Akuma. Up against former world champion Filipino Champ, Wong’s defeat was all but certain. His signature Storm bit the dust, and his lone Akuma was up against a Level-5-ready Phoenix backed by the ever-deadly Doctor Doom. Champ’s Phoenix made her Dark Phoenix transformation and started an assault that would easily down most players, but Justin Wong made a split-second reaction to a whiffed move and punished Phoenix with a Shoryuken super. Champ also made the mistake of calling in Doom at this time, so both characters ate a deadly super move that turned into a game-ending combo. CLUTCH.

Justin went on to face perennial favorite Chris G in the grand finals for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. He won a close set against Chris, and finally claimed his throne in a brand new generation of competitive Marvel.

Just as Justin jumped out of the seat and quite literally fell to the floor in excitement, I ran around my apartment screaming, “Justin Wong! The greatest of all time!”

I don’t regret it.


What were your favorite Evo moments? Did you cry, too? Let me know in the comments, or hit me up on Twitter @MikeAndronico! 

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